Monday, December 30, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Censorship On Society - 1325 Words

Censorship and its Caveats on Society From books to the internet, it is very easy to get any information quickly. Although this may be true you can’t find everything you may be looking for, there are things out there that are censored. Censorship is the restriction of certain information to one or a group of people, from others who think it’s dangerous. Censorship can be used in beneficial ways to protect people, but it is often misused to harm people long-term. Here is some information about some negative impacts of censorship. Why is censorship bad if used for a prolonged period of time? There are many pros and cons of censorship some of them are very bad in the long run. Some examples are that sex-related topics being censored can be†¦show more content†¦It’s abused by people who have the power to make themselves look better. Other problems with censorship are that it doesn’t allow a true education and learning foundation in school. When students look for knowledge or veracity to learn to discriminate and end up finding evidence. They make bad decisions without a full understanding of said evidence. Students end up not being as intellectual and lack an emotional growth because of some censorship throughout their school. Censorship might keep our youth population innocent at first but it does not allow a complete knowledge to be learned. Sometimes hiding things from them can leave them curious to find out. Most likely they end up finding certain information and not understanding it completely. Likewise, they later make a claim or statement that isn’t supported and could end up getting them in trouble. Students always end up not knowing as much and allows them to make unreasonable claims. They don’t always end up getting a full understanding of things and end up jumping to conclusions because of this. â€Å"The American Library Association opposes censorship and urges you to do so, too† (Censorship in Schools). Due to the direction censorship is heading in things are getting worse. There are many ways to bypass them. Everyone doesnt think information should be available to everyone. Everyone who wants to censor the internet wants everyone’s information to be accessible. Governments have the power to oppress theirShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Censorship In Society1406 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship is beneficial to our nation because it keeps harmful activity out of children’s minds, protects our country, and prevents children from seeing offensive language, while censorship is also harmful to our culture because it invades privacy. I believe censorship is necessary, especially in the social media world we live in today. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to securityRead MoreInternet Censorship and Government Regulation Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagesregulating the internet, the citizens of this country would have no privacy to do what they needed to do. As a result of robbing the rights of the citizens, the people have started different projects and petitions in order to stop this internet censorship. In 2011, several people started a â€Å"Don’t Filter Me project.† They wanted to remove the web filters on the school computers that blocked several educational sites. They filed lawsuits and demanded that they unblock these sites and take away theRead MoreThe Effects Of Music On The Music Industry1555 Words   |  7 PagesNowadays many people try to convince other people that censoring music on the radio and CDs is not a right thing as censorship can hide a meaning of the song. There are a lot of different factors why many people want their songs to be the way that the songwriter writes them. But these people usually forget that there are many more factors why songs should be censored. On the other hand, people want songs to be Ã' ensored because uncensored music can highly affect young children, limit the exposureRea d MoreEssay on Pros and Cons of Censorship: Controlling Media and Ideas769 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship, or what I like to call â€Å"controlled media†, is the control of ideas and content in our world. For as long as people have discovered that human beings have free will, there has been a way to regulate, govern and block the expression of its uses. There are many types of censorship when it comes to military, religion, political, public media or for just morale reasons. There have naturally been debates on whether censorship has truly been a restraint of expression, imposed to protect peopleRead MoreUU114 Assign 1 Essay Writting1536 Words   |  7 Pagesbenefits and drawbacks for censorship for a society Discussion essay – Block pattern Title: Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks for censorship for a society C: Censorship L: benefits, drawbacks and Society D: Evaluate Introduction Context: Social issues Subject: Censorship Limited subject: benefits, drawbacks and society Issue: Censorship can have shortcomings but at the same time it is beneficial under some circumstances Thesis statement: Despite the fact that censorship is seems socially beneficialRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagestruth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to the constitution (Linder). Recently the issue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppressionRead MoreFeminism and Pornography: Differing Views1221 Words   |  5 Pagesare â€Å"pro-sex† feminists who believe that women have the right to do what they wish with their bodies and there are â€Å"pro-censorship† feminists who believe pornography is inherently degrading and violent towards women. In this paper I am going to discuss the views and opinions held by each faction of the pornography debate and I will discuss the pros and cons of each view and discuss how every day women (i.e. not scholars/academics) feel about pornography. To begin I would like to discuss â€Å"pro-sex†Read MoreInternet Censorship Of China, South Africa And Other Countries1851 Words   |  8 Pages Internet censorship in China, South Africa and other countries is something that prohibits real discussion from taking place regarding issues that affect the public. For instance, in China, certain key word searches are automatically filtered out so that users cannot find the information they are seeking. While Internet censorship may be good from one perspective (in terms of stemming the flow of child pornography, curbing false information, or putting a nation’s interests first), it can be viewedRead MorePros And Cons Of Facebook987 Words   |  4 Pagessite, comes with its own pros and cons. Facebook though is an enemy to society and single handedly controls the lives of many people. Now, despise what I believe let’s look at some of the ways Facebook can be useful, and a positive experience. Making connections is what Facebook was built off of, originally created so a small group of friends could communicate. Today Facebook allows people all around the world to communicate with friends and relative. The Pros and Cons (2016). This social mediaRead More Censorship: Helpful Or Hindering? Essay821 Words   |  4 PagesWhat exactly is censorship? Some feel censorship is a violation of their rights. Others say censorship is a must in the violent, abusive world we call â€Å"society.† Who has the right to censor? Who doesn’t? What needs to be censored, and what doesn’t? The fact of the matter is that there are many pros and cons in the music and entertainment industry about censorship. Personally, I believe that the consumers and viewers should be charged with the ultimate responsibility of censorship. One major area

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Autism Is Affecting Children Of The U.s. - 1483 Words

Autism is affecting children of the a rate of one out of every 68.Meaning one out of 68 children will be diagnosed with ASD. This disorder occurs more often among boys than girls. ASD affects over 3 million individuals in the U.S. Statistics show that the number of people diagnosed has increased by 17% within a year. There is no explanation, Scientists do not know the cause nor is there a cure for ASD. However it is definitely on the rise. It is unknown whether the growing number shows a real increase or is the sudden increase as a result of improved detection by physicians. The term â€Å"spectrum† refers to the wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of impairment that children with Autism can have. Some children are mildly affected, while others are severely delayed. Scientists believe that both genes and the environment are important factors. Some argue that some vaccines cause autism which is yet to be proven. Many parents have noticed changes an indefinite amount of time after they were given routine vaccinations at their well child checkups. The symptoms were sudden loss of communication and less interactions. Scientists thought possible reasons for these changes in development were possibly due to Mercury which has now been excluded from vaccinations (Allsopp 2009). One family even received compensation for the damages in the state of Georgia Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder vary quite a bit. I have a total of 9 kids in my class and I must say thatShow MoreRelatedEducating the Autistic Essay1471 Words   |  6 PagesAutism is a developmental disorder characterized by a cluster of behaviors that has rapidly became more prevalent in recent years. With the increase of children on the autism spectrum and the severity of their diagnosis becoming more pungent, public schools have found themselves braced in finding methods to educate autistic children. A complex disorder needs complex help. The idea of creating an environment at which every student will be able to meet their highest potential in their education, includingRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1446 Words   |  6 PagesPublic Health Problem Autism or autism spectrum disorder ( ASD) is a developmental disorder that has been found world wide. However unlike many other disorders, autism is fairly new in the sense that there is no cure nor a set factor causing it. Today, the public is more aware of the disorder, yet there is still concern about how to treat autism in children as well as what risk factors are more likely to lead to autism. Autism has been around for the past hundred years, however previous to theRead MoreVaccines And Immunizations On Children And Their Development952 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Vaccines are harmful to children they cause Autism, allergies, and death.† We have all heard someone say gruesome things about Vaccines and Immunizations, but what is the truth? In my research I have found that vaccines and immunizations can cause harmful effects on children and their development, but I have also gathered that they can cause a safer environment. Immunizations and vaccines are two different things, which is very misunderstood making parents stop vaccinations and immunizations toRead MoreChildhood Apraxia Of Speech : A Motor Speech Disorder1715 Words   |  7 Pagesdisorders, neurological impairment due to stroke or brain injury and or other syndromes such as Autism or Fragile X. Due to the limited data available regarding CAS it is difficult to quantify the number of individuals who hav e CAS. It has been noted that CAS is on the rise, but this data could be influenced by an increased awareness of CAS, the increase of research on CAS within the last few years, and children undergoing evaluations at an earlier age who are now being identified. CAS may have alwaysRead MoreThe Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders Essay1570 Words   |  7 PagesNumerous studies have been conducted on the diagnostic features and potential definitions of autism, and the accompanying developmental, social and behavioral deficits found in individuals diagnosed with autism. The various editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) have changed in their definitions and diagnostic criteria of autism over time. In past editions, Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive DevelopmentalRead MoreChildren Should Be Mandatory For Children999 Words   |  4 PagesAndrew Wakefield rele ased a paper linking the MMR vaccine to autism. This article caused panic among parents, leaving a trail of unvaccinated children. This trail eventually lead to a nationwide outbreak of the measles virus. This is the worst outbreak the US has seen since 1994. Even though Wakefield’s publication has been discredited, there are still parents that choose not to protect their children because of his study. These children not being vaccinated is hurting our nation by lowering ourRead MoreEssay A Medicinal and Statistical Outlook On Autism1498 Words   |  6 Pagesat Colorado State University, said of Autism, â€Å"Autism is an extremely variable disorder.† Autism is an extremely variable disorder because of the many different characteristics shown in children diagnosed with the disorder. Many Americans are clueless about Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. In order to understand Autism one needs to know the definition of the disease, ascertain the characteristics o f the disease, know the probability of being diagnosed with Autism, look at the inception of the diseaseRead MoreStudies and Techniques for Teaching Children with Autism1296 Words   |  5 Pagesdiseases and disorders that plague today’s world, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. In fact, autism is the third most common developmental disability affecting four hundred thousand people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of yet there is no treatment for autism, only a variety of dealing with this disorder. Autism is a process disorder of brain function. People with autism have trouble in communication, social interactions and play activities. This disorder makes it difficultRead MoreSoar Research Paper: Theories Of Autism. Autism Is Known1454 Words   |  6 PagesTheories of Autism Autism is known as a profound neural development disorder marked by an inability to communicate and interact with others. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. (Autism and Neurodevelopment) While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism may have inherited. Autism symptomsRead MoreAutistic Spectrum Disorder1718 Words   |  7 PagesAutistic spectrum disorder, otherwise known as autism, is a complex disorder of the central nervous system and a developmental disability that comes from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. (Dowshen, 2008). It is not something one can catch or pass along to someone else. It makes interacting with other people incredibly difficult. Autism was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Autism spectrum disorder can usually be reliably diagnosed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Earth Day Free Essays

1 EARTH DAY SKIT: â€Å"How Earth Day Began† This skit can be performed at an Earth Day assembly for an entire school or a single class Scene 1: At Home A student returns home from school. While eating dinner, she discusses her day with her parents. The end of April is approaching and her school [insert your school name] is preparing for its Earth Week festivities. We will write a custom essay sample on Earth Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers and students have been talking about the week’s event and she can’t wait – excitement is in the air! She tells her parents that Earth Week events begin tomorrow and that she will participate in a day of tree planting; bring a litterless lunch, and even wear something green! After helping her parents clean up after dinner, she heads off to bed. As she falls asleep she thinks of all that she has learned about Earth Day so far. Student: Hi Dad! Dad: You’re home a bit later than usual, how was your day? Student: Oh Dad, today was sooo exciting. Mrs. Ali taught us all about the history of Earth Day and she spoke about all the fun activities that we’re going to do for Earth Day. Dad: Really? Student: Yep! Our school is planning to have a week of festivities to celebrate how much we care about our earth. I’m so excited I can hardly wait! Dad: Let’s sit down and have some dinner. Your Mom and I prepared your favourite dish! Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 2 Mom: And while we eat you can tell us all about the activities. They sit around the dinner table. Mom: So, what’s the plan for tomorrow? Are you going around the community and picking up garbage? Student: Nope, that’s Friday, along with an assembly and guest speaker. Tomorrow we are planting trees, bringing in litterless lunches and wearing green. Does anyone know wear my green overalls are? Dad: We’ll have a look for them; we’ll make sure that you are as ‘green’ as can be. Student: I’m so eager to plant trees; I’ve never done that before. This is my first Earth Day celebration†¦all my friends are so thrilled. The class that plants the most trees wins a prize, we’re going to win for sure! Mom: I bet you will, now help us clean up the dinner table and off to bed you go! Student: (pleadingly) Do I have to? Mom: Yes, dear. They clean up the table. Student: (She heads to her bed, already laid out in the middle of the stage) Good night! Parents (in unison): Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 3 Sweet dreams! Parents exit. Narrator: As she falls asleep, she thinks only of tomorrow’s festivities. Curtains Close Scene 2: Her Dream_______________________________________________ The purpose of this scene is to provide students with a background of the history of Earth Day, to make them aware of the environmental degradation occurring then and now, and finally, ways in which students can act to help make our Earth healthier. Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson (speaking to the history of Earth Day) will be in the middle of the stage, surrounded by the three groups (each representing a type of environmental degradation). Each group will be on stage at the same time as the governor. He will stand behind a podium discussing the creation/development/successes of Earth Day. As the governor speaks about each type of environmental degradation, the corresponding group will act out their part accordingly. Curtains Open Narrator: It’s 2005 and Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson is making a speech about Earth Day. Governor: (in 1970s attire) Good afternoon and thank you for attending today’s event. How many of you are aware of the history of Earth Day? Pause] Well, here’s a bit of history that you might be interested in. In 1963, I began to worry about our planet, it was becoming more and more degraded, pollution was evident and plants and other species were disappearing. I began to talk with lawmakers in the US and to the president at the time, President Kennedy, about going around the country and telling people about these environmental concerns. However, while he did go around the countr y speaking of these concerns, this did not get the attention of enough of the country and Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 4 environmental degradation continued. I worried that the affects would be detrimental to the health of our environment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Pause†¦first group proceeds with their segment First Group: Air pollution group Without speaking, this group (wearing white and symbolizing air) will stand together in a group of 5 or more while 2 other students dressed in red will burst through the ‘wall’ of white representing holes in the ozone. The red will represent chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform (option: have students in red hold or paste a sign on themselves that reads: †CFCs†). Move to second group Second Group: Deforestation group Without speaking, this group of 5 (wearing green) will have their hands in the air, standing tall and swaying (resembling trees). After a few seconds most will eventually fall to the ground representing trees being cut down and the spoiling of natural wilderness. Move to third group Third Group: Water group Without speaking, this group of 5 (wearing blue) will all lay on the ground symbolizing a river, watershed. Pollution (those wearing brown) will come up from behind and will lie down beside them representing pollutants entering the water stream and remaining there for long periods of time. Back to the Governor’s speech Governor: In 1969, I was still very concerned so I came up with another idea. I decided to have one special day to teach everyone about all the things that had to change in our environment to make it healthier. That day was EARTH DAY. The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, with the help of Harvard University Student Denis Hayes and it was a major success. Since then, Earth Day celebrations have spread all over the country, and especially in Canada. Today, more than 6 million Canadians join 500 million people in over 180 countries in staging events and projects to address local environmental issues. Nearly every Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. school child in Canada takes part in an Earth Day activity. [pause] So, you want to know how to make every day Earth Day? Make a promise to the Earth to stop environmental degradation by: Spreading the message to your family and friends that idling their vehicles causes air pollution. Try taking public transportation! First group (Air pollution group) walks of the stage†¦. You can adopt a â€Å"zero waste† frame of mind at school, home, in your everyday-liv es. All you have to do is remember the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle. Also, how about planting some trees? Second Group (Deforestation group) walks of the stage†¦ Also, let everyone know that dumping garbage, household cleaners, pesticides, or oil down a storm sewer drain is harmful to the watercourse. Paint a yellow fish on storm drains in your area to remind your community that what goes down the drains ends up in our water systems†¦ Third Group (Water) walks of the stage†¦ That’s not all you can do! I challenge you and your class to think of more ways to help our planet. It only takes a small group of people to make big changes in the world. I wish you all a wonderful Earth Day! Curtains Close Scene 3: Back in students room ____________________________________ Mum: Wake up, its time for school. How did you sleep? Student: I had a great sleep mom, I dreamt all about Earth Day. Thanks for getting my clothes ready, Dad! Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 6 I have to run, I don’t want to be late for tree planting! All: Bye! Student exits off stage with her litterless lunch, dressed in green with a big smile on her face! THE END Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. How to cite Earth Day, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Arranged marriage for america Essay Example For Students

Arranged marriage: for america? Essay Arranged marriage: for america? Essay Both arranged marriages and romantic marriages have good and bad points. Cultures such as India, Japan, and Ethiopia have had arranged marriages since the dawn of time. In America we allow our young adults to make their own decisions on whom to marry. Would Americans accept the practice of parents deciding whom they are going to marry without considering their wants or feelings? The answer is an emphatic NO! Americans are hopelessly romantic and fiercely believe in freedom of choice. Arranged marriages would never be accepted in American culture. Most of the time, if not all, the decisions we make concerning marriage are based on the concept of romantic love. Most young people tend to believe the only way to choose a mate is to date until you fall madly in love, plan a wedding, and get married. We follow our hearts even if it is impractical and doesnt really make any sense. We do not feel that we need the wisdom and experience of anyone, let alone our parents, to make such an important decision. Love is more important and powerful than practical issues. However, by relying on our hearts, and not the wisdom and experience of others, we risk what could be the disastrous consequences of making an emotional decision instead of a rational one. Go back a few years (for some of us, many years) and think about how much stress we felt trying to make ourselves attractive to the opposite sex. We spent most of our days worrying about our looks and what we could do to change them to get the look. Were our clothes chic enough to be cool? Dating was awkward and time consuming. Think of all the time wasted concerning ourselves with the rules and necessities required to maintain a relationship the effort involved in looking for the right someone to spend the rest of our lives with. Think of all the time that was wasted if they were the wrong person the anguish endured while married to the wrong person. All that time, effort, and emotional stress could certainly have been put to better use by studying and preparing for the responsibilities of life. Our mating rituals seem flawed and risky compared to those cultures that practice arranged marriages. For most young Americans, relationships are a part of everyday life. However, for the majority of Indians, they are only an afterthought. More attention is given to studies than the opposite sex. The practice of arranging marriages has both practical and cultural rationales. Marriages are meant to carry on a familys status and secure the familys financial future. Many Indians are not concerned that love is absent at the onset of marriage. They feel it will happen along the way. Love is not a major factor. Stability is the concern. Education and careers come first so there is not a lot of time for the opposite sex. Trust is put in the wisdom of parents who rely on their life experiences to ensure that a partner is socially and economically suitable for the family. American marriages are based on the dream of meeting someone and falling head over heels in love. Americans rely on emotional senses and physical attraction to ensure that they have found the one. We crave the excitement of this ritual. We let our hearts and other body parts over-ride our common sense. Many times our education suffers, or is completely set aside, to facilitate a relationship. We overlook flaws and things that we dont like. .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .postImageUrl , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:visited , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:active { border:0!important; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:active , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Odysseus (1054 words) Essay More often than not, these flaws surface down the road and the relationship suffers or fails completely. We often dislike any interference or help from our parents in choosing our mate. Why dont we rely on their experience to make our decision? Why should we? The divorce rate in our country is approximately fifty percent. Obviously, most of our parents did not have the ability to choose the right mate. Why should we trust their judgment? We shouldnt. I believe we do have some arranged marriages in this country. Let me explain. Dont some of us put a lot of emphasis on what our parents will think of .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Education Learning By Communism Essays - Communism, Socialism

Education: Learning By Communism? Education: Learning By Communism? Through Freire's ? The Banking Concept of Education,? we see the effects this concept has on it's students and also we see the effects that the alternate concept, problem-posing has. The ?banking' concept allows the students to become vessels of knowledge, not being able to learn at a creative pace. By using communism, seeing through how education is taught in the classroom, it is parallel to Freire's ?banking' concept. We can see that both ideas are similar and both were harmful to the human mind. While ?banking' poses the threat of creative growth and power, Marxism, which applies Marx's ideas to learning in a communistic way, it creates the threat of never being able to learn. The banking concept is ? a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those who they consider to know nothing? (Freire 213). The goal of the ?banking' concept is to deposit as much information into the students as possible. This results in disconnected memorization without the real understanding and discouragement of creative thought.They cannot think for themselves. As Marx writes, just as there are two types of learning, ?banking' and problem-posing, he explains that society is this way also. There is the upper class and subordinate classes. They both struggle for economic and political power and the primary way the upper class keeps its power is through their beliefs and values. They are allowed to think. The subordinate classes believe they are subordinate due to the upper classes prestige and way of thinking. Like Freire's ?banking' concept, education is the way to keep students down and this works because the students accept all knowledge from the teacher , just like the dominant class in Marx's ideology, keeps the subordinate classes submissive. There are also things that make Freire's ideas of teaching that leave Marx at a disadvantage. This is because most submissive people will eventually fight back to get their ideas heard. So therefore the ?banking' concept has a flaw in itself. When Marx talks about the subordinate classes believing that they had to live up to the upper class, he forgot to mention that throughout time, an oppressed people will figure out that they deserve better than what they are receiving. Overthrowing a government or standing up to a figure of power allows the submissive to no longer not be able to learn. They learn through facing what they had been crushed by for so long. ?Banking' will eventually fall to its demise, to its students. This will then pave the way to actually learning something that is useful and can be utilized. ?Banking' and Marx both do not realize that you cannot keep something hidden out of sight, a people that can learn and live, without having to keep them subservient.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How Sociologists Define Marriage

How Sociologists Define Marriage Marriage is a socially supported union involving two or more individuals in what is regarded as a stable, enduring arrangement based at least in part on a sexual bond of some kind. Depending on the society, marriage may require religious and/or civil sanction, although some couples may come to be considered married simply by living together for a period of time (common law marriage). Though marriage ceremonies, rules, and roles may differ from one society to another, marriage is considered a cultural universal, which means that it is present as a social institution in all cultures. Marriage serves several functions. In most societies, it serves to socially identify children by defining kinship ties to a mother, father, and extended relatives. It also serves to regulate sexual behavior, to transfer, preserve, or consolidate property, prestige, and power, and most importantly, it is the basis for the institution of the family. Social Characteristics of Marriage In most societies, a marriage is considered a permanent social and legal contract and relationship between two people that is based on mutual rights and obligations among the spouses. A marriage is often based on a romantic relationship, though this is not always the case. But regardless, it typically signals a sexual relationship between two people. A marriage, however, does not simply exist between the married partners, but rather, is codified as a social institution in legal, economic, social, and spiritual/religious ways. Typically a the institution of marriage begins with a period of courtship that culminates in an invitation to marry. This is followed by the marriage ceremony, during which mutual rights and responsibilities may be specifically stated and agreed to. In many places the state must sanction a marriage in order for it to be considered valid and legal, and also in many cultures, a religious authority must do the same. In many societies, including the Western world and the United States, marriage is widely considered the basis of and foundation for family. This is why a marriage is often greeted socially with immediate expectations that the couple will produce children, and why children that are born outside of marriage are often branded with the stigma of illegitimacy. Because a marriage is recognized by law, by the economy, socially, and by religious institutions, a dissolution of marriage (annulment or divorce) must, in turn, involve a dissolution of the marriage relationship in all of these realms. The Social Functions of Marriage Marriage has several social functions that are important within the societies and cultures where the marriage takes place. Most commonly, marriage dictates the roles that spouses play in each others lives, in the family, and in society at large. Typically these roles involve a division of labor between the spouses, such that each is responsible for different tasks that are necessary within the family. American sociologist Talcott Parsons wrote on this topic and outlined a theory of roles within a marriage and household, wherein wives/mothers play the expressive role of a caregiver who takes care of socialization and emotional needs of others in the family, while the husband/father is responsible for the task role of earning money to support the family. In keeping with this thinking, a marriage often serves the function of dictating the social status of the spouses and the couple, and of creating a hierarchy of power between the couple. Societies in which the husband/father holds the most power in the marriage are known as patriarchies. Conversely, matriarchal societies are those in which wives/mothers hold the most power. Marriage also serves the social function of determining family names and lines of familial descent. In the U.S. and much of the Western world, we practice patrilineal descent, meaning the family name follows that of the husband/father. However, many cultures, including some within Europe and many in Central and Latin America, follow matrilineal descent. Today, it is common for newly married couples to create a hyphenated family name that preserves the named lineage of both sides, and for children to bear the surnames of both parents. Different Types of Marriages In the Western world, monogamous, heterosexual marriage is the most common form and is considered the norm. However, homosexual marriage is increasingly common and in many places, including the U.S., has been sanctioned by law and by many religious groups. This change in practice, law, and cultural norms and expectations for what a marriage is and how can participate in it reflects the fact that marriage itself is a social construct. Other forms of marriage that occur around the world include polygamy (a marriage of more than two spouses), polyandry (a marriage of a wife with more than one husband), and polygyny (the marriage of a husband with more than one wife). (In common usage, polygamy is often misused to refer to polygyny.) As such, the rules of marriage, the division of labor within a marriage, and what constitutes the roles of husbands, wives, and spouses generally are subject to change and are most often negotiated by the partners within the marriage, rather than firmly dictated by tradition. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How organizational citizenship behavior is determined and how it Essay

How organizational citizenship behavior is determined and how it impacts on the efficiency of performance in Ministry of Interior in UAE - Essay Example Organizational Citizenship behavior exceeds the required limits as formal organizational roles require so; it is not possible to hold the staff accountable for failing to undertake it. However, in many occasions, levels of productivity of performance could be sacrificed for the sake of serving colleagues and bossed or serving public objectives at the organizational level. From the practical viewpoint, the significance of organizational citizenship behavior lie in its capability of developing organization’s effectiveness and efficiency though, protecting organization resources, presenting necessary creative and developmental suggestions, achieving the levels resilience in the face of challenges and unexpected emergencies. Introduction and Problem Statement Employment in the government commands the highest level of social responsibility and moral conduct in addressing the needs of the citizenry. This is because government service is essentially public service, which implies a subordination of personal interest and even comfort to the greater interest of the nation and its citizens. Nowhere is there a more fitting application of this construct that in the Ministry of Interior, where the imperative to apply force to ensure law and order is tempered by the need to observe organizational citizenship behaviour in the implementation of its police and security function.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Petrochemical Industry Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Petrochemical Industry - Research Paper Example In cases of tragedy, it is critical that the reaction is at the quickest time possible. The management and all the employees in the petrochemical plant need to be educated on the risks and hazards they are likely to be at risk to at the plant. Through this at there shall be the minimum likelihood of any kind of accidents occurring at the plant. Although hazards related to flammable gases and toxic gases are common knowledge to personnel who operate in the petrochemical industry, continuous training and refreshment of knowledge on the matter are important in order to avoid any kinds of incidents that may come about as a result.The management should ascertain that all the employees are trained on the risks they are exposed to and ways of responding to them in case of an emergency. All the personnel at all the organizational level should be keenly involved in the detection of any hazards and risks at the plant.The employees should be informed of the risks that they are exposed to while working at the petrochemical plants. Inhaling the toxic gases emitted at the plant on a daily basis exposes an individual to critical diseases. Before one decides to work at the plant, they should make an informed decision on the future implications. Gaseous toxic substances are normally very dangerous because they are invisible and hence hard to detect. Install flammable gas detection system scan at the petrochemical firm as a way of providing a warning to flammable risks before the gas even reaches its flammable level.

Monday, November 18, 2019

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

HEALTH LAW AND ETHICS - Essay Example ces on who gets a scarce treatment or immunization, who would get a transplant, and who has access to a provider in high demand raise various conflicts among the potential stakeholders. Hence, the law and ethics must come to application in solving stakeholders’ interests. They have different interests when there are resource allocation issues. For example, the patients seek to have the employer provide a wide variety of options for health coverage and fund their health insurance. The employers on the other hand seek maintain or lower the health cost contribution for the patients. Indeed, they are only ready to pay the patient’s most necessary health care. Furthermore, the health providers seek to provide preventive care and high quality health care that is mostly expensive and out of insurance cover. Health payers on the other hand seek to use few tests and fewest visits to obtain clear evidence and a diagnostic plan to achieve accurate treatment (Department of Communit y and Family Medicine, 2005). All these interests should fall in place during resources allocation. Indeed, while deciding on who would get a transplant, I will consider the serious of the disease, the costs involved, and the resources available. As such, the most serious cases with the least cost implication should get the transplant. At the same breath, the patients who are generally health should get scarce treatment or immunization. Nevertheless, all children should get the requisite immunization free of charge where possible. Additionally, no medication should apply to healthy persons despite their willingness to fund such treatment. Furthermore, it is ethical to accord children, patients with complicated and high incidence diseases access to a provider in high demand. Most importantly, in most cases, children patients should get the first priority while making health

Friday, November 15, 2019

The crisis of masculinity

The crisis of masculinity INTRODUCTION My dissertation is concerned with the male hegemony of Hollywood cinema. I will consider briefly the representation of the female but only to support the discussion of male hegemony in regards to spectatorship and representation of the male. I will limit my argument to the â€Å"post feminist† period (post 1970s) because this cinema era is extremely significant as it demonstrates a fundamental change in the representation of the male. I have decided to concentrate on the representation of the male because the discussion of female representation, although not investigated in its entirety, is generally more prevalent. I have chosen to analyze two key films that had major success in the year 1999. I have specifically chosen these films as not only do they reenact a threshold point in societys perception, but both deal heavily with the theme of modern day masculinity. The two different approaches from very different directors- David Fincher, The director of Fight club has a lengthy history of â€Å"mainstream† work whereas Paul Thomas Andersons work history is more â€Å"alternative†. I will argue that in its structure Fight club is highly synonymous with Hollywood in terms of character placement.(male protagonist, passive female). I will look at how Magnolia is more discoursive/melodramatic focusing on coming from a â€Å"female† perspective. I will look at the main characters in each of the films and discuss how both films approach the key aspects of masculinity: Paternity the Phallus. The similar concerns and contrasting nature of the films thus conclude that they serve as great examples for discussion. The dissertation will consider film theory and psycho-analysis however I would like to relate those to cinematic textual systems a term used by to describe mise en scene elements, editing and other cinematic manipulation of the frame for the spectator. Talk about how perspective and cinematography are interlinked, cinematography being vital to â€Å"the gaze†. â€Å"To theorize the gaze is to engage in cinematic textual systems (diegesis, montage, mise-en-scene, intertextuality etc) and the act of viewing, as well as the competing, dynamic and heterogeneous processes involved between the two†. Pg 6 (a) WHY CINEMATOGRAPHY IS IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS. Once we have investigated on a functional level how cinema manipulates the viewers gaze only then can we move forward and expand on this? The very existence of cinema relies on box office profits; cinema conveys the reality of the desire of the spectator, but also notably produces films that display the unconscious fears of the societies that produced them. This is an argument I will discuss at more length in the first chapter. CHAPTERS: Phallocentric perspective/cinematography I will start by engaging with the philosophy which forms the basis of the dissertation. I will also justify the inclusion of cinematography as a valid point in my dissertation by clarifying its relationship with film theory and psychoanalysis. â€Å"Were Designed to be hunters and were in a society of shoppers† Tyler Durder (Fight Club) In the second chapter I will put my discussion in context, explaining briefly the importance of the cinema of this era. â€Å"Fight Club†: I will discuss why I chose the two films I did The two different approaches directors- coming from very different background fightclub is aimed at mainstream whilst magnolia comes from an alternative viewpoint. I will argue that in its structure Fight club is highly synonymous with Hollywood in terms of character placement.(male protagonist, passive neurotic female) â€Å"Magnolia†: I will look at the key characters of the film and analyse how they demonstrate a crisis of masculinity. I will examine the look at how Paul Andersons Magnolia manages to subvert the male hegemony of mainstream films and acts as a critique of the Hollywood cinematic address. PHALLOCENTRIC PERPSEPCTIVE: â€Å"The spectator constructed by the text is taken to be male-regardless of the ‘actual gender of the viewer. He is taken to look through the eyes of the male hero on screen at the on-screen female, so that the viewer in the auditorium can fantasize the pleasure of dominating and possessing her, and thus enjoy the visual pleasure of ‘masculine conquest†. Kenneth Mackinnon Whatever the route of the gaze, the result is the same. She is objectified. And the female object confirms that the male is the proper and sole subject.† (b) pg 126 Since Hollywoods conception the films produced have taken to rather formulaic, standardized conventions to accrue predicted success at the box office. These are seen in its cinematic style, and narrative form. As a result Hollywood has become extremely skilled at satisfying the spectator through manipulation of its address. male hegemony At the beginning of cinema for example, spectators desired to see more and so became the standardization of erotic display to satisfy the spectator interest in voyeurism. Thus this Hollywood address gives us a spectacular insight into the unconscious fears and desires of society. If we look at one particular example â€Å"Metropolis† (1927) Directed by Fritz Lang, this film featured a destructive and powerful female robot. Notably this film came at a time when society had to deal with the increased mechanization, loss of jobs in industries resulted in a perceived loss of male control and power. â€Å"Metropolis† represented the destruction of masculine dominance over science and nature, represented as a female android, the ultimate opposite. The more information gathered by the development in film theory and psychoanalysis the further we can investigate into understanding the reality of the relationship between spectator and cinema and can move forward from male hegemony into creating an alternative cinema one in which both sexes are represented fairly. this can be shown through the deigesis, mise en scene, etc etc. In Laura Mulveys essay â€Å"Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema†, she discusses the passive role that women have played in cinema arguing that this passive role supports the male hegemony by encouraging visual pleasure. This visual pleasure is formed by Mulvey identifies three â€Å"looks† or perspectives that occur in film which serve to sexually objectify women. The first is the perspective of the male character on screen and how he perceives the female character. The second is the perspective of the spectator as they see the female character on screen. The third â€Å"look† joins the first two looks together: it is the male audience members perspective of the male character in the film. This third perspective allows the male audience to take the female character as his own personal sex object because he can relate himself, through looking, to the male character in the film. Female body representation has always involved some degree of eroticism fragment a womens body into various body parts. A good example of how editing shot composition and framing can be seen in Martin Scorseses Raging Bull. The main character Jake La Motta becomes entranced by the physical beauty of - by the side of the pool. By the sequence of close ups we are placed into the mental position of Jake to reduce - to a mere object to be gawped at. Here we literally see the â€Å"looks† as Mulvey referred to them shown through the shot juxtapositioning. Although one could argue this section was designed to illuminate us of Jakes disturbed mentality, thus serves as an extreme example; however we do see these looks perpetrating mainstream Hollywood throughout the generations since its beginnings. However self conscious and ironic Hollywood manages to be, it always restricts itself to a formal mise en scene reflecting the dominant ideological concept of the cinema. The alternative cinema provides a space for the birth of cinema which is radical in a both a political sense and an aesthetic sense and thus challenges the basic assumptions of the mainstream film Thus cinematography holds the key to the buried attitudes of gender. The cinema is an epic form that utilizes dramatic elements; this is determined by the technologies of the camera and editing. Even in a spatially and temporally continuous scene (mimicking the theatrical situation, as it were), the camera chooses where to look for us. In a similar way, editing causes us to jump from one place (and time sometimes) to another, whether it be somewhere else in the room, or across town. This jump is a form of narration; it is as if a narrator whispers to us: â€Å"meanwhile, on the other side of the forest†. â€Å"One of the key pleasures cinema allows is identification. The spectator will almost always identify with the character whose look authorizes the point of view shot.† pg 94 Hedges,Inez Vertigo is a prime example whereby everything is seen from the perspective of the main male protagonist, the audience follow his erotic obsession and subsequent despair precisely from his point of view. However the spectator is caught in moral ambiguity toward the latter part of the film as the film reveals the illicit nature of the voyeurism. â€Å"Were Designed to be hunters and were in a society of shoppers† -Tyler Durden â€Å"These violent white male icons grew at a time when working class white males had to contend with increasing economic instability and dislocation, the perception of gains by people of colour at the expense of the white working class and a womens movement that overtly challenged the male hegemony. One way the system allows working clases (of various races) the opportunity for masculine identity validation is through the use of their body as an instrument of power dominance and control.. The threat that women posed as a result of their increased economic independence, destabilizes gender realtions and upsets male identity†. Spectacle of the Male WHAT WAS GOING ON AT THE TIME? Working Class Males had less access to more abstract forms of masculinity validating power (economic power, workplace authority) Fightclub protagonist has loss of authority, in the end he reaffirms his masculinity through physical acts of violence. Susan Faludi went one step further, arguing that films of the 1980s such as Fatal Attraction (1987) and Baby Boom (1987) were part of a wider backlash against womens liberation and womens careers.Yearning for reinstatement of the nuclear family, American Beauty protagonist yearns for realignment of patriarchal structure as does Gaz in full monty his desire to recover his role as breadwinner so that he can reclaim his son from his ex wife. FIGHT CLUB â€Å"It touched a nerve in the male psyche that was debated in newspapers across the world.† The Times MARLA: â€Å"Could be worse, a woman could cut off your penis† Tyler Durden Marla introduces/is the conflict. Neurotic marla is a sexualized woman/object (her flat dildo etc) placed into whore category. she disturbs the house causes cracks in walls leaks, etc. â€Å"What counts is what the heroine provokes or rather what she represents. She is the one or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern he feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In herself the woman has not the slightest importance† Budd Boetticher TYLER: Tyler and his impulsive nature, represents the Freudian philosophy of the Id. The id is responsible for our basic drives such as food, water, sex and basic impulses. EXPAND Always has his chest on show like the iconic images of the 1980s heroic action movies. The body is shown to acquire battle scars which removes any erotism which may induce the female gaze need to explain.. used as a tool of power to redeem authority. This is the physical manifestation of the ironic rejection of the â€Å"heroes† of the action films of the previous years. He is in control, has the power over Marla and makes the decisions, drives the narrative. PATERNITY: â€Å"Were a generation of men raised by women† Tyler Durden Paternity discussed in the bathroom between the two, father abandoned him EXPAND THE PHALLUS: First introduced to violent action gun in his mouth then to the softer image of sign saying â€Å"Were still men† Bob has larger breasts feminized. The genitals are particularly present in this film from Tyler showing the graphic images of full frontal male nudity of the penis to taking away the statesmens balls thus demasculating him. Balls stand for Male Power the ability to reproduce Testicular cancer meetings also. Dildo in Marlas bedroom representing the fake male the fake man, the substitution of the real penis with a fake one reveals inferiority complex no need for the real man in the modern world. CINEMATOGRAPHY: Primarily the narrative of the film Fight Club is wholly centered on the male our protagonist Jack. We are encouraged as the spectator to emphasize with him, he navigates the shots in the Voice over the use of the word â€Å" we† is used to encourage identification from the spectator. Is there a problem with identification in this film because the spectator identifies with the protagonist Jack who turns out to be Tyler also so when Jack finds out he is Tyler not only do we experience the same surprise as him, the spectator is left feeling removed from identification? Misplaced just as man does in society? The creation of a microcosm in the house new world order fascism back to being real men, almost militarian (thats what they associate with manhood). Use of colour, lighting difference between the house and the flat, how Brad is framed with his chest exposed showing his muscular torso to portray the idealized man Jack wants to be. The decaying house, large empty insde and out (as its on an industrial estate) builds up a representation of the inner vacousness of the protagonist. MAGNOLIA Paul Thomas Andersons LA ensemble film â€Å"Magnolia† disrupts the classic Oedipal patterning common to many mainstream films. The film repeatedly enacts a pronounced degree of male failure and what amounts to an indictment of the system of father rule The men of Magnolia are to some extent all feminized by circumstance or choice: Earl, dying, is in need of care; Phil is a compassionate male nurse; Donnie is gay and wants to give love; Jimmy, because of his illness, is dependent; and Jim is a nurturing representative of the law who loses first his baton and then his gun, the phallic signifier par excellence. Even Frank Mackey, who has closed down his internal feminine, is again a caretaker by the films end. The most recalcitrant male is Stanleys father, Rick. He suggests a barely controlled violence, throwing a chair through the television as Stanley refuses to compete. A crisis in masculinity and male paradigms of power and behavior is posed. Clearly, the film is scrutinizing how to be a man and live as a man in culture. FRANK: This notion is foregrounded by Franks â€Å"Seduce and Destroy† infomercials, which appear during different segments of the film, and his performance of masculinity for the internal diegetic male audience. The excess of language, gestures, and emotion here enact male hysteria. A wielding of language that speaks as a means to recapture and reanimate male power, it suggests a masculinity reasserting itself at the expense of women. Franks misogyny and anger toward women come to seem a projection, a denial of the self-loathing and father-loss that resulted in his becoming his mothers caretaker as she succumbed to cancer. Women seem to be a smokescreen for his pain, something he can latch on to and feed his sense of rage. Frank, played by Cruise at his best in his usual angry young man mode, is aptly named as the teacher of ostensible truth, power and control who with arms nailed to an unseen cross is projected as an illuminated (Lucifer) savior. His crucified humanity, now a loaded shell, a persona with rigid firm ego boundaries of patent masculinity, launches a provocative assault, laced with inexplicable resentment, against Woman. His assumed control and power over his own vulnerability (fear of his undeveloped feminine component generalized as woman) results paradoxically from the rejection by and loss of his father followed by the incessant care of his slowly dying mother whom he was unable to save. PATERNITY: Stanley Spector to his father: â€Å"You need to start being nicer to me† His all-encompassing impotent rage is projected along with his need to control the symbolic Woman who constitutes the loss of his childhood and manhood. Like a fatherless boy of the ghetto, he shuns the excessive identification and nauseating closeness associated with his mother and her powerless circumstance. To acquire her world would only confirm his loss and her power to destroy. To him she only means burden and loss of freedom; thus he abuses Woman in order to maintain control and detachment. Moreover, his loss of masculinity resulting from the inability to control the inevitable suffering and eventual death of his mother lead him to create and identify with what he lacks, a powerful male image. His artificial self-acquired mastery over himself results tragically from lack of opposition since he cannot win the badge of manhood by defeating a foe who is missing or a cause that is inexplicable. The grateful male crowd (representing the incomplete male) is willing to pay Frank to attain his techniques to compensate for its loss and to overcome its incompleteness through the power of maintaining distance and control. But Frank paradoxically eventually finds redemption in what he denied, in the traditional female manner of acquiring power, through interaction with the Other. Frank, the rejected son finally confronts his dying father who is now unable to reply, apologize and expiate his guilt. Without the articulation and acceptance of his fathers sin, Frank cannot forgive or overcome the unknown one, he can only endure his memory. The cathartic release of his tormented repressed anger and simultaneous conflicted fear of another loss of and desire for his missing father is gripping. He faces uncertainty but his acceptance of his past and his anguished self, the veil of his repression and denial of his history is lifted and results in the loosening of his current defences and hi s false self. The painful return from/to his original position confirms that rebirth is painful. He can now join the family of man. The initially compliant game show kid (J. Blackman) alters his condition of bondage by sacrificing the moment of glory by a paradoxical (anorexial) attempt to avoid the game by controlling his body until he loses bladder control. When he realizes that adherence to arbitrary debilitating rules crushes creativity and freedom, he loses his ambition to succeed conventionally by a symbolic Freudian urethral discharge. Both the game and his body are beyond his control. He confronts his parasitic father as an incomplete child (no mother), asking to be treated anew with respect without having to constantly sacrifice himself to earn the love of his father. THE PHALLUS The cop who shows an interest in her, needs no change, only completion by another, but he too demonstrates his universal deficiency by losing the badge of his profession, his gun. This loss of power is later recovered from the sky god and magically saves a life. His stability rests on his identification with the law which he chooses to interpret selectively as a wise judge with the power to render mercy CINEMATOGRAPHY: Magnolia constructs the place of the female subject differently for the process of identification with the spectator. This is done by.. Magnolia systematically rejects mainstream films signifying system. As Fiske notes, soap opera suggests the workings of a feminine aesthetic and thereby posits the audience as female (180). Magnolia subverts the classic masculine gaze and audience address usually associated with film. The masochistic position from which we watch Magnolia is inscribed by the excessive music and by the competition of the musical discourse and the dialogue. This is doubly inscribed, as it were, because it speaks to the condition of the character as opposed to working in counterpoint to the image. For example, â€Å"One† (â€Å"is the loneliest number †) plays while introducing these lonely characters; over a close-up of the victimized and addicted Claudia, we hear â€Å"Save Me† (â€Å"You look like a girl who could use a tourniquet †). Soap operas exemplify such â€Å"double-voiced discourses† in which dominant cultural forms allow women participation (Fiske 192). The predominant use of close-ups and extreme close-ups throughout the film also expresses this excess. â€Å"There are two dramatic points of depature for melodrama. One is coloured by a female protagonists viewpoint which provides a focus for identification. The other examines the family and between the sexes and generations; here, although women play an important part, their point of view is not always analysed and does not initiate the drama† pg 42 Mulvey.L Marcie, the unruly black woman at the edges of the text, shouts what appear to be empty threats, but the danger she evokes is soon realized. The canted camera angles and frenzy of the editing, in addition to her shouting, foreground the level of disorder she represents. Handcuffed to a sofa, she continues to be verbally abusive as Jim investigates. Pulling the sofa from room to room, she becomes comic relief even as her powerful frame suggests a formidable adversary. Jim seems barely a match for Marcie, despite her containment. Jim: â€Å"MARCIE! DO NOT DRAG THAT COUCH ANY FURTHER!† (Anderson 29). Coded as marginal, Marcie wreaks havoc on the established order to which she is subject but in which she has no place, except as the â€Å"return of the repressed.† Jim finds a dead man in her closet. As a black woman existing on the social margins, she is an enigma that Jim and the film refuse to solve. In terms of sex, too, Magnolia exposes the system of male hegemony and power. In most soap operas, the condition of women living under patriarchy is examined to promote a reading that women identify as corresponding to their own reality, which leads to tears. Doane refers to these melodramatic texts as activating the â€Å"tropes of femininity† (183): waiting, watching and self-sacrifice. Through Jimmy and Earl, marriage as a system is also undermined. Not only is Jimmy adulterous, alcoholic, womanizing, and guilty of incest, he has astonishing contempt for his wife. In one of the films most powerful scenes, Rose learns the truth about her marriage, but it is also clear that she has known. Her performance of the dutiful wife, right up to the end, motivates Jimmys contempt. Rose can only face Jimmys molestation of Claudia when her husband breaks with the veneer of mutual respect and love on which their marriage is based. The only women with power in Magnolia are the black women, and when we are with them we are sutured to the position of two of the films key white male characters, Frank and Jim. That we identify with these women anyway, and with their threat to Frank and Jim, speaks to Magnolias feminine positioning of the viewer.† (a) â€Å"Magnolia displaces film narrative to television text and shifts from the normative masculine viewing position to a feminine one. Magnolia is symptomatic of a crisis in masculinity and interrogates cultural texts such as cop shows, quiz shows, and infomercials. Magnolia is a subversive cultural product, an indictment of paradigms of male hegemony and power, and a critique of the media systems of film and television. The films privileging of the soundtrack is unusual. Paul Thomas Anderson conceives the film in relation to one of Aimee Manns songs and envisions her voice as â€Å"another character† in the film (Anderson 204). Her voice does indeed constitute another character to such an extent that at times it upsets the normative hierarchy of discourses that mainstream films espouse. The use of such a counternarrative strategy and the predominance of a strong female voice working against and at times doubling the text also point to Magnolias challenge to the â€Å"male† textual film system and more traditionally â€Å"masculine† narratives. Manns voice is like a commentary on the action, pulling us in to watch the film from a female viewing position. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dillman, Joanne Clark â€Å"Magnolia†: Masquerading as Soap Opera, Journal of Popular Film and Television 33 no3 142-50 Fall 2005 Dines, Gail: Gender, Race and Class in the media Brod,H. (Ed) (1987) The making of masculinities Various, â€Å"The trouble with men: Masculinities in europeon and Hollywood cinema.† Fuery,Patrick (2000) New Developments In Film Theory- Palgrave, New York, â€Å"Male Spectatorship and the Hollywood Love Story†: Mackinnon, Kenneth. Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2003, Carfax Publishing Classical Hollywood Cinema : Film Style Mode of Production to 1960 Bordwell, David.; Staiger, Janet.; Thompson, Kristin Publication: London Taylor Francis Routledge, 1988. FILMOGRAPHY Fight Club () Dir: David Fincher Magnolia (1999) Paul Thomas Anderson Rocky ( 198 200 ) Thelma and Louise (1991)Dir: Ridley Scott

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Analysis of A Clean Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Essay exampl

Ernest Hemingway's short story, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place," first published in 1933, is written in his characteristic terse style. It is the story of two waiters having a conversation in a cafà ©, just before closing up and going home for the night. They cannot leave because they still have a customer. One is anxious to get home to his wife, while the other sympathizes with the old man sitting at the table. Without realizing it, they are discussing the meaning of life. I believe that the story takes place during WWI in Spain. There is a soldier walking on the street with a girl. The waiters comment that the guard will pick them up soon if they do not get inside. It is between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. because the cafe is about to close and one of the waiters is in a hurry to get home. There are three main characters in this story. The first is a younger waiter. He is inconsiderate, cocky, impatient and selfish. He seems to think that his needs are more important than anyone else’s. When the old man asks for more brandy, the waiter tells him, â€Å"You should have killed yourself ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Interview people about the economy Essay

The people of the Orange County are an optimistic bunch. Yet, one can see this optimism slowly fading away into the darkness. For a country which is so close to perhaps world’s biggest entertainment hub, this is not a pretty picture. It would be wrong to blame the people. Little has gone right for the county since the economic recession of 2008, the effects of which are still quite visible. For a county which was already suffering from one of the more serious unemployment problems than compared to the average figures of the United States of America, the recession of 2008 has spelt doom, and its repercussions can still be felt. Take the case of the 34-year old Mr. Matthews who had a small shop selling electronic goods. However, with most people who gave him patronage, out of jobs or saving up for the bleak future, there are no takers for his once steadily selling shop of television sets and radios. His only hope is a government bailout, so that his customers have more money in their hands, or in other words greater purchasing power so as to indirectly get him out of this mess. Mr. Matthews situation is in complete contrast with Mrs. Mosby who is a secretary with the local government authority. She has been affected very little by the 2008 economic recession but maintains that she is concerned about a lot of her friends, whose businesses have shut or who have been shown the door in their jobs. The only consequence of this recession on her is that while her pay has not increased, prices of many commodities of even general use have gone by which makes it difficult for her to make the ends of her household meet. She is for the moment thankful that she has a government job, but strongly advocates that it is the state’s responsibility to find her fellow citizens a job which at the very least promises them adequate means of survival. Recession and the deteriorating economic situation is a concern not only to those who are currently affected by it, but also those who may be affected by it in the future. Take the case of 24-year old Mike, who is a final year student at the local university. He agrees that the heat in the air can be felt by all, and even though his university manages to put together a small career fair every year, it seems a difficult proposition this year. Although in the top half of his class, Mike admits that getting a job which helps him repay his educational loans he took for college, at least currently, seems to be a daunting task. He is hopeful that by the time he graduates, the situation would improve. He doesn’t make a case for out and out state intervention, but hopes that the state would help big economic powerhouses by giving them incentives and subsidies. Things have turned sour for those who are self-employed as well. Take the instance of a lawyer who has his own practice, Miss Timberlake. Litigation has become suddenly too expensive, and people seem to prefer to hold up matters for now. Even matters of home foreclosure have got delayed for now. People are looking at otherwise normal litigation procedures as a luxury service, which they are unable to afford at the moment, and are not as big a priority as say medical and health expenditure. Health insurance companies are facing the heat as no other according to Jeff, who works at one of the biggest insurance companies. The health and medical costs have spiraled over the last few years. The fact that people have very little disposal income, and are defaulting on their regular premium payments is making the matters worse for the insurance companies. Their being no solution in sight, people are turning to each other and urging them to perform acts of gratitude. For instance, appeals are being made to doctors and other hospital staff to give up a day’s pay. People are becoming much more cautious and conservative in spending their money. For instance, the younger siblings are getting their older siblings clothes. The insurance companies don’t have enough cash flowing in so as to be able to cope up with the increasing medical costs. This spells a disaster not just for one or two companies, but for two industries which are vital to the US economy – health and insurance. Whether there is a way out of this mess is the million dollar question facing everyone right now. The companies in both sectors, however, are optimistic and hope to see things improving with the Obama administration. Obama’s success in being able to pass the health insurance bill is being seen as a huge positive and people seem to be oddly comforted by his words of promise. Job creation is what people are currently looking forward to. Perhaps, the only sections of the society who have nothing to lose right now are the school going children. However, it is amazing how the economic crisis has made way into their everyday conversations as well. David who is only 14 is angry at the whole situation. He maintains that the whole crisis is the fault of the government, which allowed risky investments to be made. He is also unhappy about the liberal policies which have allowed a bulk of the work to be outsourced to other destinations where labour is much cheaper. Stricter laws are needed, he argues emphatically. Those who are retired have been hit badly as well. Their pension schemes and other insurance amounts are simply not enough for them to be able to make their ends meet. Home foreclosures are likely and in the offing, and this has most of them worried. Take the case of Mr. Andrews, who is 66 years old and survives on a small pension scheme. Recently the prices of even basic consumables have risen so sharply risen that he is finding it difficult to make the ends meet. His old age means that it is much more difficult for him to find a job as compared to other freshers just out of college. He is worried that if the State fails to take some concrete steps soon, many Americans could be tinkering on the verge of starving poverty. Take the case of Mr. Murdoch who is a stock market analyst and broker. In the economic recession of 2008, he lost close to $100,000. He says that he is devastated and doesn’t know if there is any hope remaining for his business, and whether he will be able to revive it in the near future. He is currently torn between the idea of continuing his business, or taking up a small job somewhere. However, he himself laughs at the irony of it all, given that it would be near impossible to find a job anywhere. He also feels responsible to many of his clients, who he was acting for, and have lost a considerable amount of money in the stock market. At the same time, however, he is quick to point out that investment in the market is subject to market risks, and therefore, one is understood to have assumed the same.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nemesis in Greek Mythology

Nemesis in Greek Mythology Definition Nemesis is the goddess of divine retribution who punishes excessive pride, undeserved happiness, and the absence of moderation. Nemesis Rhamnusia was honored with a sanctuary at Rhamnus in Attica from the 5th Century; thus, Nemesis is a cult goddess, but she is also a personification of the Greek noun nemesis distribution of what is due from the verb nemo apportion. She is responsible for the vicissitudes of mortal life and is associated with similar chthonic figures, the Moirai Fates and Erinyes Furies. [Source: The Hyperboreans and Nemesis in Pindars Tenth Pythian. by Christopher G. Brown. Phoenix, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Summer, 1992), pp. 95-107.] Nemesis parents are either Nyx (Night) alone, Erebos and Nyx, or Ocean and Tethys. [See The First Gods.] Sometimes Nemesis is the daughter of Dike. With Dike and Themis, Nemesis helps Zeus in the administration of justice. Bacchylides says the 4 Telkhines, Aktaios, Megalesios, Ormenos, and Lykos, are Nemesis children with Tartaros. She is sometimes considered the mother of Helen or of the Dioscuri, whom she hatched from an egg. Despite this, Nemesis is often treated as a virgin goddess. Sometimes Nemesis is similar to Aphrodite. Providence as a Successor to Nemesis, by Eugene S. McCartney (The Classical Weekly, Vol. 25, No. 6 (Nov. 16, 1931), p. 47) suggests that the Christian concept of Providence is a successor of Nemesis. Go to Other Ancient / Classical History Glossary pages beginning with the letter a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | wxyz Also Known As: Ikhnaià ª, Adrà ªsteia, Rhamnousia Common Misspellings: Nemisis Examples In the story of Narcissus, the goddess Nemesis is invoked to punish Narcissus for his frankly narcissistic behavior. Nemesis obliges by causing Narcissus to fall hopelessly in love with himself.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Another Match Lit essays

Another Match Lit essays These days the music business is a hard business to go into. Every year hundreds of thousands of hopeful artists are turned down because they simply arent good enough. But NY emo/punk foursome Matchbook Romance are a different story. Once known as The Getaway this emotional-hardcore band were so damn good that Epitaph Records plucked 'em right off the internet. The internet really played and plays a major part of our success as a band, says bassist Ryan Kienle, weeks before the band releases West for Wishing, their debut EP. West For Wishing is a sweet taste of their debut album scheduled for release later this year. "Lets start out by starting over, what did I expect, youre no good at lying and Im no good at comebacks." Lovers The band dates back to 1997, with Ryan Kienle (bassist) and Andrew Jordan (vocalist/guitarist) sitting in their lonesome bedrooms, playing their instruments and writing songs of hope for a better future. After belting out a few tunes, the two decided on starting a band and teamed up with Ryan "Judas" DePaolo (guitar) and Aaron Stern (drums) These four quickly scribbled down a few more emotionally sweat screamo tunes and started playing under the name The Getaway. "We experiment a lot when writing songs. We all work hard on making each note and word of our songs something to remember" Kienle says. "Its the best quality of our band. We bridge the gap, taking the best of pop-punk and emo and making something of our own. After writing their first ever songs the band, armed with instruments and a computer constructed a website and began a relentless word-of-mouth crusade, forming links and mailing emails to local kids about shows. "We were promoting all our shows over punk sites and mailing lists and other bands' guest books and message ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Paul's view of Women in the Ministry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paul's view of Women in the Ministry - Essay Example It is clear through Scripture verses that Paul, unlike many men of his time, was supportive of women actively teaching and praying in the ministry. One of the most profound references that can be found to the views of Paul is in the book of Romans. Romans 16:1-2 states: â€Å"I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.† If Paul did not support women in the ministry, he would not be commending anyone, let alone a woman, by name. Furthermore, though Paul refers to Phoebe as a â€Å"servant†, he wrote his letters in Greek, using the word â€Å"diakonos†, from which the word â€Å"deacon† is derived (Fees). Though the translation reads â€Å"servant†, it has been speculated, that Phoebe may have actually been a church leader, such as a deacon, not a servant. In fact, the word is only translated once out of thirty-four times as â€Å"servant†, and that is when it has bee n applied to Phoebe; the rest of the time it has been translated as â€Å"minister† or â€Å"deacon† (Fees). Another female name of note is Priscilla, noted to be a tent-making team of husband and wife whose house Paul is a guest in, as stated in Acts 18:1-3. In Acts 18:24-26, it states â€Å"now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in Scriptures, came to Ephesus.   This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John.   So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue.   When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.† Priscilla, along with her husband, taught and explained the gospel to Apollos while Paul was staying under their roof and sharing their house

Friday, November 1, 2019

Peking Duck Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Peking Duck - Essay Example I grew in a family where eating is the most important task. We had a belief that, by eating, we get to live well. My family was a middle class one. We only became rich when I joined middle school. My father chose to appreciate the fact of getting rich by tasting every cuisine. He became the biggest gourmet worldwide. We also chose to join him as gourmets. My dad was never a duck eater because he was the origin of south china where they do not eat duck. Surprisingly, he has a passion for Peking duck just like my mother and I. The problem of eating Peking duck is that we could not have it cooked at home. We had to travel so to have it cooked. We marked the best and famous restaurant where we could have our Peking duck cooked. Quanjude is the restaurant we liked most. Travelling to this restaurant was another challenge of its own. Beijing being a huge city is affected by bad traffic. Often, we stayed for long hours at the traffic jam before reaching the restaurant. We had every reason of eating Peking duck more than the reasons we had for our lives. We had a belief that all cuisines have their own different stories. We had the great pleasure of having a delicious meal together as a family. Peking duck has been found to be the main cuisine on the menus of The Imperial Court. This dish inspired poets and the poems. As we can discover in the collection of the poems, the verse of Duan Zhu ZhiCi mentioned of roasted duck. Pecking duck became the symbol of China in the mid-20th century. Many tourists and diplomats showed great interest of Peking duck making it famous among the people in China (McMeel 5). Peking ducks have been served severally during meals in the big meetings of the famous people between the Chinese. With this great history, am happy that Peking duck is my favorite dish. If I can get the stereotyping part of this story, I am tempted to believe I can also be famous by eating Peking duck. I chose

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Behavior and the Enviroment Unit 2 Discussion Research Paper

Human Behavior and the Enviroment Unit 2 Discussion - Research Paper Example Most women are ignorant on the significance of an excellent and regular prenatal care (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2007). They do not make arrangements, and if they do, they ignore them. This is common with girls who have no experience in childbirth. Scarcity of qualified doctors has led to women being put on hold due to extensive waiting lists (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2007). In addition, when mothers get a chance to visit, they find long lines at the clinics. This frustrates the pregnant women who have other places to be. Prenatal care for the mother and the child lessens a lot of threats that could occur during delivery, and after. At a prenatal clinic, a mother will be directed on the diet, for example, intake of folic acid condenses prospects of abnormalities. In addition, the right diet will guarantee the child grows at the normal, healthy rate. The public need to be aware of the significance of prenatal care, thus health specialist, can use the following ways. Firstly, they could initiate campaigns to create awareness all over the country, and advertise it thoroughly. Secondly, experts should learn to treat mothers with trust and comfort, since some women fear medical procedures. Lastly, the professionals can join forces with film makers, and authors to film documentaries, and publish books on pregnant

Monday, October 28, 2019

Scientific method Essay Example for Free

Scientific method Essay In recent years, there has been an increased interest in angels. As Christian ministers, it is critical that we have an adequate biblical understanding of angels and be able to utilize discernment when dealing with angelic encounters. A parishioner at Oak Hill Uni Xerox Case Study Analysis Xerox Case Study Analysis The challenge facing Xerox and its management is complex, challenging and probably not unique. The company had been dependent on its highly trained sales force to turn a profit on their existing products and had not focused on new product opportunities until the develop Premium 1039 Words 5 Pages Case Study Case Study Analysis Summary ABC, Inc. recruiter Carl Robins has been given the task of recruiting new hires for his company. With only a few months experience himself, Carl has hired 15 new employees to work for Monica Carrolls. Carls responsibilities include organizing information and prepa Premium 825 Words 4 Pages Tylenol Case Study. Tylenol Case Study The discipline of public relations is a modern profession which has been in existence for only close to a century; however, it has already taken an important role in the fields of business, government, entertainment and non-profit organizations including educational institutions Premium 1457 Words 6 Pages Case Study, Sas Institute Inc. Case Study, SAS Institute Inc. The management culture is a very important factor in the imprinting of a company: it shapes the relationship between working environment and employee satisfaction. I will answer a few questions regarding the SASs particular strategy of running the business in which t Premium 1085 Words 5 Pages Case Study Executive Summary Background Carl Robins, the new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. recruited several new hires in early April to work for Monica Carrolls, the Operations Supervisor. He scheduled the new hire orientation to take place June 15, with all the new hires working by July. On May 15, Carl Premium 1203 Words 5 Pages Case Study Analyses: the Gap, Inc. The central purpose of writing this Case Study Analyses on The Gap, Inc. is to identify and isolate key issues and their underlying implications and offer practical solutions and plans for implementing those solutions. This will be done by highlighting the social influences that influence the G Premium 1676 Words 7 Pages Case Study Anaylsis Case study analysis In large companies there is a huge amount of production that relays on communication between employees and managers. The employees involved with the companies must also posses good organizational skills in order to keep all of the tasks in order for a great turn out at the end Premium 843 Words 4 Pages Case Study: Halliburton Corp. and the Issue of Politics Case Study: Halliburton Corp. and the issue of politics. This case study examines Halliburton Corps current strategy for expanding operations in the Libyan oil market in respect to choosing locations overseas, and integrating successfully with the local community.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Foul Play :: essays research papers

Foul Play Dear Members of the Board of the National Collegiate Association of America:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the beginning of collegiate athletics, there have been student-athletes whose actions are considered disproportionately deviant. College athletes have defied the rules and regulations set forth by the National Collegiate Association of America by such acts as accepting stipends, committing date rape, abusing drugs, and even committing homicide. For some reason, college athletes believe they are above the law and should not have to abide by the same set of rules as a normal student, because of their athletic talent. As a former NCAA Division II football player, I can attest to the feeling athletes have that they deserve special treatment because of their status. There are some people who believe that college athletics is above reproach, but the purpose of this essay is to assert the statement that college athletics is corrupt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Year after year, college athletes make the headlines of newspapers and magazines across the country, not only for their accomplishments on the field, but more for their antics off the field. College athletes sacrifice their bodies, integrity, and character to gain an advantage over their opponent. Athletes give up the very things that make them who they are to feel appreciated by their coaches, teammates, and fans. Players cheat by taking anabolic steroids and other banned substances that give them a chemically induced physical advantage (Eitzen 3). Athletes desire to be identified with a team that works and sacrifices together to reach a common goal. The guestion we should ask ourselves is: Why? Why do individuals give up so much to be a part of a team? The answer lies within the organization of how big-time college sport exists. Fans are drawn to big sporting events such as the Super Bowl and the World Series. College athletes want to be in that spotlight, and t hey sacrifice everything to gain that status. Fans are consumed by sports. USA Today, the most widely read newspaper in the United States, devotes one-fourth of its space to sport (14). Fans know every detail about their beloved sports team. Not only the latest box scores, but also the win-loss record, point spread, current statistics, play-off probabilities, and biographical information about athletes and coaches (16). College sports appeal to the general public, young and old.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At a very young age, aspiring college athletes are taught the principles of sport and how much winning really means.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Safe Alternative to Toxic Chemicals Used in Agriculture :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation

Safe Alternative to Toxic Chemicals Used in Agriculture    "Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. ‘And so it happened: the earth brought forth every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw how good it was’" (Genesis 1:11-12). The world once consisted of a "Garden of Eden" where all was good and pure. Weather or not you believe in the Catholocists theory of how the earth was created is irrelevant. What we do know from research, technology, and tradition among cultures is that there was a period of time, in the beginning of time, where productivity did not rely on the "necessities" of a modern world. Although the world of technology has improved many aspects of the lives of humans and other fortunate creatures on this earth, it is also causing the destruction and extinction of other entities. The good earth that once occupied the land of this existing world is one of the unfortunate recipients of tragedy caused by the advancements of the improving world we live in. We live in an environment that is altered in every way by man. Every piece of material used each day is contaminated from humans trying to "improve" the normal lifestyle. This community we live in is no longer a natural one due to the products being used and the food being processed. Through the destruction of man, by man, an increase of deaths by serious illness has expanded. Humans should have reason to question the causes of these fatalities. The solution to this problem needs to be sought. It is pertinent that we educate ourselves and take interest in what is happening to the earth in order to ensure our future. The first goal that needs to be met is to determine and evaluate the chemicals that exist in the agricultural environment. Certain criteria such as evaluating statistics of illness and death caused by these chemicals, how government officials are regulating pesticidal use, and establishing alternative methods of living need to be included when evaluating this dilemma. The Industrial Revolution although a time of immense prosperity for the United States brought such inventions and chemicals to society that changed the world forever. The chemical and pesticide use on crops after World War I also contributed to the decline of the quality of

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patriots vs. Loyalists: Impacts on the outcome of the American Revolution

The American Revolutionary War, from 1775 to 1783, was predominantly fought between two groups of people – the Patriots and the Loyalists. In general, both the Patriots and Loyalists were culturally identical, such as speaking the same language, wearing the same clothes, and going to the New World with the same goal – to seek a better life. Then why did the two groups fight against each other during the war? Initially, when the First Continental Congress met and protested against Great Britain’s rule, the colonists had no intention to become independent from the crown but only wanted their rights to be recognized.After the French and Indian War, British enforcement gradually became stricter through acts that were placed on the colonies, which eventually led to the recognition and division between the Patriots and Loyalists. Those who favored the idea of independence and wanted to be free from British rule were known as the Patriots, whereas those who supported th e British and remained loyal to the crown were known as the Loyalists.Overall, the different characteristics that made up the Patriots and Loyalists, the individual support towards their respective sides of the war, and each of their motivations and beliefs greatly impacted the ultimate outcome of the Revolution. Although the Patriots and Loyalists were culturally similar within the colonies, there were many additional characteristics that defined the differences between the two. The Patriots were generally wealthy, better educated, and merchants who didn’t rely on trade with England.They were capable of financially supporting themselves by having the â€Å"plantation owners trade [their produce] within the colonies and the merchants using smuggling among other countries besides Great Britain† (Beverly). Though the Patriots didn’t have to depend on the English to maintain their economy, they suffered greatly because Parliament enacted many indirect taxes, and th en later on creating direct taxes such as the Stamp Act, which were paid by the colonists. The colonists reacted with great fury and annoyance to this British action.In contrast, the Loyalists population usually consisted of government officials, those who had family residing in England, and were wealthier than the Patriots. Since they generally had more money, they were not highly affected by the British taxes imposed on them throughout the years, which the Patriots evidently suffered significantly. Likewise, the Loyalists didn’t have the same hatred towards the British than the Patriots had. This, in response, boosted the Patriots’ motive to fight which eventually helped them win the war.In addition to the different characteristics that made up the population of the Patriots and the Loyalists, each of their contributions to the war impacted the outcomes in a tremendous way. Without the support of the common patriotic â€Å"†¦ men and women in the colonies, such as farmers, lawyers, merchants, ministers, and shopkeepers, their struggle for independence would have failed† (Beverly). These people were the ones that supported the economy, kept it running, and provided supplies to the soldiers fighting in the war.The Loyalists also provided supplies such as armory, gunpowder, and food to the British soldiers and fought alongside with them. Though colonial Loyalists were able to fight alongside with British soldiers, they were only able to assist alongside the soldiers because the British often looked down upon the colonists. Moreover, in order to win the war, the Patriots were willing to â€Å"experience suffering, endurance and perseverance necessary for both the military and supporting civilians† (Dillon). If they were short of this â€Å"will†, it would have been extremely difficult for them to achieve victory.Even though the features of each group and their support in the war effort were significant, the motivations and beliefs of the Patriots and Loyalists made the utmost impact on the outcome of the war. The Patriots were furious because they were forced to pay high taxes to support a government abroad that they had no part or say in, and paying higher taxes than some of the other British colonies to finance England’s wars with France (Allen). They believed the monarch was systematically unjust because they were being treated unfairly and were forced upon many things without their own consent.However, the Loyalists also had their own beliefs because they thought cutting all ties with their â€Å"mother country† will lead to a democratic society led by the Patriots, who were –in their eyes- violent, immoral, and not suitable to make political decisions. The Loyalists believed that without England’s protection, the colonies might not be able to militarily defend themselves and other nations will eventually invade them and take over, if they don’t prevent the Patr iots from losing. Nevertheless, the Patriots had something the Loyalists did not, determination and the drive to keep on fighting until they had reached their goal – freedom.On top of the resentment the Patriots felt, they had a strong ambition to fight until the last soldier standing died, unlike the Loyalists, who were primarily set out to collect money for the king and only determined by greed. It can be argued that the only reason why the Patriots had won the war was because they had aid from the French towards the end of the war. However, this is false because the Patriots had great morale as a whole and unlimited determination to fight till the very end, and strong leaderships such as George Washington and John Adams to keep every individual motivated as they fought against the Loyalists.Therefore, it was not only the French’s help that led to the demise of British rule in the colonies. Ultimately, the Patriot’s victory in the American Revolution was great ly impacted by the Loyalist’s decision to maintain their loyalty and the Patriots’ desire for independence. The two groups differed in separate areas such as general characteristics as a whole, strategies in supporting the war effort, and beliefs to follow that subsequently led to the British’s failure.