Monday, December 30, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Censorship On Society - 1325 Words

Censorship and its Caveats on Society From books to the internet, it is very easy to get any information quickly. Although this may be true you can’t find everything you may be looking for, there are things out there that are censored. Censorship is the restriction of certain information to one or a group of people, from others who think it’s dangerous. Censorship can be used in beneficial ways to protect people, but it is often misused to harm people long-term. Here is some information about some negative impacts of censorship. Why is censorship bad if used for a prolonged period of time? There are many pros and cons of censorship some of them are very bad in the long run. Some examples are that sex-related topics being censored can be†¦show more content†¦It’s abused by people who have the power to make themselves look better. Other problems with censorship are that it doesn’t allow a true education and learning foundation in school. When students look for knowledge or veracity to learn to discriminate and end up finding evidence. They make bad decisions without a full understanding of said evidence. Students end up not being as intellectual and lack an emotional growth because of some censorship throughout their school. Censorship might keep our youth population innocent at first but it does not allow a complete knowledge to be learned. Sometimes hiding things from them can leave them curious to find out. Most likely they end up finding certain information and not understanding it completely. Likewise, they later make a claim or statement that isn’t supported and could end up getting them in trouble. Students always end up not knowing as much and allows them to make unreasonable claims. They don’t always end up getting a full understanding of things and end up jumping to conclusions because of this. â€Å"The American Library Association opposes censorship and urges you to do so, too† (Censorship in Schools). Due to the direction censorship is heading in things are getting worse. There are many ways to bypass them. Everyone doesnt think information should be available to everyone. Everyone who wants to censor the internet wants everyone’s information to be accessible. Governments have the power to oppress theirShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Censorship In Society1406 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship is beneficial to our nation because it keeps harmful activity out of children’s minds, protects our country, and prevents children from seeing offensive language, while censorship is also harmful to our culture because it invades privacy. I believe censorship is necessary, especially in the social media world we live in today. 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