Monday, October 21, 2019

Blacks migrated to the North

Blacks migrated to the North for many of the following reasons; Treatment of Blacks in the South was horrible. The courts were unjust and failed to seek convictions in the unfair lynching of Blacks. Blacks had close to no privileges because of tough and unfair segregation laws. After the depression in the South, lasted from 1914-1915, wages dropped to be no higher that $.75 per day. At the same time agents from the North were persuading Blacks to migrate. This was because the immigration numbers dropped from 1 million to 300,000 that year. Finally between the summer flood of 1915 and the boll weevil to cotton crops of 1915 and 1916, Blacks felt a better life could be sought in the North. The migration was upsetting to both the White Southerners and Northerners. The South was falling apart. There were no plantation workers or house servants. Intimidation was used as a way to scare the Blacks into staying in the South. Equality was even offered as a way to convince Blacks to remain in the South. Finally, migration agencies were assessed a $1,000 license fee. Blacks were not exactly welcomed in North. Rioting in the North was just as viscous and recurrent as it was in the South. Some towns tolerated blacks settling there, others did not. Syracuse, Ohio forbade any blacks to settle there. It was assumed that Blacks would decrease wages in the North. Employers had to constantly mediate conflict between the white and black factory workers. Blacks experienced segregation in the North as well; Blacks were forced to live in sectioned areas of most towns. The living conditions were unfair. Recreation facilities were segregated or simply did not permit th! e entrance of blacks at all. As Blacks migrated so did the Klu Klux Klan, they wanted to ensure that the Negro knew its place no matter where they lived.

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