Monday, December 30, 2019

Pros And Cons Of Censorship On Society - 1325 Words

Censorship and its Caveats on Society From books to the internet, it is very easy to get any information quickly. Although this may be true you can’t find everything you may be looking for, there are things out there that are censored. Censorship is the restriction of certain information to one or a group of people, from others who think it’s dangerous. Censorship can be used in beneficial ways to protect people, but it is often misused to harm people long-term. Here is some information about some negative impacts of censorship. Why is censorship bad if used for a prolonged period of time? There are many pros and cons of censorship some of them are very bad in the long run. Some examples are that sex-related topics being censored can be†¦show more content†¦It’s abused by people who have the power to make themselves look better. Other problems with censorship are that it doesn’t allow a true education and learning foundation in school. When students look for knowledge or veracity to learn to discriminate and end up finding evidence. They make bad decisions without a full understanding of said evidence. Students end up not being as intellectual and lack an emotional growth because of some censorship throughout their school. Censorship might keep our youth population innocent at first but it does not allow a complete knowledge to be learned. Sometimes hiding things from them can leave them curious to find out. Most likely they end up finding certain information and not understanding it completely. Likewise, they later make a claim or statement that isn’t supported and could end up getting them in trouble. Students always end up not knowing as much and allows them to make unreasonable claims. They don’t always end up getting a full understanding of things and end up jumping to conclusions because of this. â€Å"The American Library Association opposes censorship and urges you to do so, too† (Censorship in Schools). Due to the direction censorship is heading in things are getting worse. There are many ways to bypass them. Everyone doesnt think information should be available to everyone. Everyone who wants to censor the internet wants everyone’s information to be accessible. Governments have the power to oppress theirShow MoreRelatedImportance Of Censorship In Society1406 Words   |  6 PagesCensorship is beneficial to our nation because it keeps harmful activity out of children’s minds, protects our country, and prevents children from seeing offensive language, while censorship is also harmful to our culture because it invades privacy. I believe censorship is necessary, especially in the social media world we live in today. Censorship is the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to securityRead MoreInternet Censorship and Government Regulation Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pagesregulating the internet, the citizens of this country would have no privacy to do what they needed to do. As a result of robbing the rights of the citizens, the people have started different projects and petitions in order to stop this internet censorship. In 2011, several people started a â€Å"Don’t Filter Me project.† They wanted to remove the web filters on the school computers that blocked several educational sites. They filed lawsuits and demanded that they unblock these sites and take away theRead MoreThe Effects Of Music On The Music Industry1555 Words   |  7 PagesNowadays many people try to convince other people that censoring music on the radio and CDs is not a right thing as censorship can hide a meaning of the song. There are a lot of different factors why many people want their songs to be the way that the songwriter writes them. But these people usually forget that there are many more factors why songs should be censored. On the other hand, people want songs to be Ã' ensored because uncensored music can highly affect young children, limit the exposureRea d MoreEssay on Pros and Cons of Censorship: Controlling Media and Ideas769 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship, or what I like to call â€Å"controlled media†, is the control of ideas and content in our world. For as long as people have discovered that human beings have free will, there has been a way to regulate, govern and block the expression of its uses. There are many types of censorship when it comes to military, religion, political, public media or for just morale reasons. There have naturally been debates on whether censorship has truly been a restraint of expression, imposed to protect peopleRead MoreUU114 Assign 1 Essay Writting1536 Words   |  7 Pagesbenefits and drawbacks for censorship for a society Discussion essay – Block pattern Title: Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks for censorship for a society C: Censorship L: benefits, drawbacks and Society D: Evaluate Introduction Context: Social issues Subject: Censorship Limited subject: benefits, drawbacks and society Issue: Censorship can have shortcomings but at the same time it is beneficial under some circumstances Thesis statement: Despite the fact that censorship is seems socially beneficialRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagestruth.. This influenced freedom of the press rights and embracing those rights to the constitution (Linder). Recently the issue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppressionRead MoreFeminism and Pornography: Differing Views1221 Words   |  5 Pagesare â€Å"pro-sex† feminists who believe that women have the right to do what they wish with their bodies and there are â€Å"pro-censorship† feminists who believe pornography is inherently degrading and violent towards women. In this paper I am going to discuss the views and opinions held by each faction of the pornography debate and I will discuss the pros and cons of each view and discuss how every day women (i.e. not scholars/academics) feel about pornography. To begin I would like to discuss â€Å"pro-sex†Read MoreInternet Censorship Of China, South Africa And Other Countries1851 Words   |  8 Pages Internet censorship in China, South Africa and other countries is something that prohibits real discussion from taking place regarding issues that affect the public. For instance, in China, certain key word searches are automatically filtered out so that users cannot find the information they are seeking. While Internet censorship may be good from one perspective (in terms of stemming the flow of child pornography, curbing false information, or putting a nation’s interests first), it can be viewedRead MorePros And Cons Of Facebook987 Words   |  4 Pagessite, comes with its own pros and cons. Facebook though is an enemy to society and single handedly controls the lives of many people. Now, despise what I believe let’s look at some of the ways Facebook can be useful, and a positive experience. Making connections is what Facebook was built off of, originally created so a small group of friends could communicate. Today Facebook allows people all around the world to communicate with friends and relative. The Pros and Cons (2016). This social mediaRead More Censorship: Helpful Or Hindering? Essay821 Words   |  4 PagesWhat exactly is censorship? Some feel censorship is a violation of their rights. Others say censorship is a must in the violent, abusive world we call â€Å"society.† Who has the right to censor? Who doesn’t? What needs to be censored, and what doesn’t? The fact of the matter is that there are many pros and cons in the music and entertainment industry about censorship. Personally, I believe that the consumers and viewers should be charged with the ultimate responsibility of censorship. One major area

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Autism Is Affecting Children Of The U.s. - 1483 Words

Autism is affecting children of the a rate of one out of every 68.Meaning one out of 68 children will be diagnosed with ASD. This disorder occurs more often among boys than girls. ASD affects over 3 million individuals in the U.S. Statistics show that the number of people diagnosed has increased by 17% within a year. There is no explanation, Scientists do not know the cause nor is there a cure for ASD. However it is definitely on the rise. It is unknown whether the growing number shows a real increase or is the sudden increase as a result of improved detection by physicians. The term â€Å"spectrum† refers to the wide range of symptoms, skills, and levels of impairment that children with Autism can have. Some children are mildly affected, while others are severely delayed. Scientists believe that both genes and the environment are important factors. Some argue that some vaccines cause autism which is yet to be proven. Many parents have noticed changes an indefinite amount of time after they were given routine vaccinations at their well child checkups. The symptoms were sudden loss of communication and less interactions. Scientists thought possible reasons for these changes in development were possibly due to Mercury which has now been excluded from vaccinations (Allsopp 2009). One family even received compensation for the damages in the state of Georgia Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder vary quite a bit. I have a total of 9 kids in my class and I must say thatShow MoreRelatedEducating the Autistic Essay1471 Words   |  6 PagesAutism is a developmental disorder characterized by a cluster of behaviors that has rapidly became more prevalent in recent years. With the increase of children on the autism spectrum and the severity of their diagnosis becoming more pungent, public schools have found themselves braced in finding methods to educate autistic children. A complex disorder needs complex help. The idea of creating an environment at which every student will be able to meet their highest potential in their education, includingRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder1446 Words   |  6 PagesPublic Health Problem Autism or autism spectrum disorder ( ASD) is a developmental disorder that has been found world wide. However unlike many other disorders, autism is fairly new in the sense that there is no cure nor a set factor causing it. Today, the public is more aware of the disorder, yet there is still concern about how to treat autism in children as well as what risk factors are more likely to lead to autism. Autism has been around for the past hundred years, however previous to theRead MoreVaccines And Immunizations On Children And Their Development952 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Vaccines are harmful to children they cause Autism, allergies, and death.† We have all heard someone say gruesome things about Vaccines and Immunizations, but what is the truth? In my research I have found that vaccines and immunizations can cause harmful effects on children and their development, but I have also gathered that they can cause a safer environment. Immunizations and vaccines are two different things, which is very misunderstood making parents stop vaccinations and immunizations toRead MoreChildhood Apraxia Of Speech : A Motor Speech Disorder1715 Words   |  7 Pagesdisorders, neurological impairment due to stroke or brain injury and or other syndromes such as Autism or Fragile X. Due to the limited data available regarding CAS it is difficult to quantify the number of individuals who hav e CAS. It has been noted that CAS is on the rise, but this data could be influenced by an increased awareness of CAS, the increase of research on CAS within the last few years, and children undergoing evaluations at an earlier age who are now being identified. CAS may have alwaysRead MoreThe Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders Essay1570 Words   |  7 PagesNumerous studies have been conducted on the diagnostic features and potential definitions of autism, and the accompanying developmental, social and behavioral deficits found in individuals diagnosed with autism. The various editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) have changed in their definitions and diagnostic criteria of autism over time. In past editions, Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder and Pervasive DevelopmentalRead MoreChildren Should Be Mandatory For Children999 Words   |  4 PagesAndrew Wakefield rele ased a paper linking the MMR vaccine to autism. This article caused panic among parents, leaving a trail of unvaccinated children. This trail eventually lead to a nationwide outbreak of the measles virus. This is the worst outbreak the US has seen since 1994. Even though Wakefield’s publication has been discredited, there are still parents that choose not to protect their children because of his study. These children not being vaccinated is hurting our nation by lowering ourRead MoreEssay A Medicinal and Statistical Outlook On Autism1498 Words   |  6 Pagesat Colorado State University, said of Autism, â€Å"Autism is an extremely variable disorder.† Autism is an extremely variable disorder because of the many different characteristics shown in children diagnosed with the disorder. Many Americans are clueless about Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. In order to understand Autism one needs to know the definition of the disease, ascertain the characteristics o f the disease, know the probability of being diagnosed with Autism, look at the inception of the diseaseRead MoreStudies and Techniques for Teaching Children with Autism1296 Words   |  5 Pagesdiseases and disorders that plague today’s world, but one of the most serious of those disorders is autism. In fact, autism is the third most common developmental disability affecting four hundred thousand people worldwide (Autism Society of America). As of yet there is no treatment for autism, only a variety of dealing with this disorder. Autism is a process disorder of brain function. People with autism have trouble in communication, social interactions and play activities. This disorder makes it difficultRead MoreSoar Research Paper: Theories Of Autism. Autism Is Known1454 Words   |  6 PagesTheories of Autism Autism is known as a profound neural development disorder marked by an inability to communicate and interact with others. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities, further supporting the theory that the disorder has a genetic basis. (Autism and Neurodevelopment) While no one gene has been identified as causing autism, researchers are searching for irregular segments of genetic code that children with autism may have inherited. Autism symptomsRead MoreAutistic Spectrum Disorder1718 Words   |  7 PagesAutistic spectrum disorder, otherwise known as autism, is a complex disorder of the central nervous system and a developmental disability that comes from a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain. (Dowshen, 2008). It is not something one can catch or pass along to someone else. It makes interacting with other people incredibly difficult. Autism was first identified in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Autism spectrum disorder can usually be reliably diagnosed

Friday, December 13, 2019

Earth Day Free Essays

1 EARTH DAY SKIT: â€Å"How Earth Day Began† This skit can be performed at an Earth Day assembly for an entire school or a single class Scene 1: At Home A student returns home from school. While eating dinner, she discusses her day with her parents. The end of April is approaching and her school [insert your school name] is preparing for its Earth Week festivities. We will write a custom essay sample on Earth Day or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers and students have been talking about the week’s event and she can’t wait – excitement is in the air! She tells her parents that Earth Week events begin tomorrow and that she will participate in a day of tree planting; bring a litterless lunch, and even wear something green! After helping her parents clean up after dinner, she heads off to bed. As she falls asleep she thinks of all that she has learned about Earth Day so far. Student: Hi Dad! Dad: You’re home a bit later than usual, how was your day? Student: Oh Dad, today was sooo exciting. Mrs. Ali taught us all about the history of Earth Day and she spoke about all the fun activities that we’re going to do for Earth Day. Dad: Really? Student: Yep! Our school is planning to have a week of festivities to celebrate how much we care about our earth. I’m so excited I can hardly wait! Dad: Let’s sit down and have some dinner. Your Mom and I prepared your favourite dish! Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 2 Mom: And while we eat you can tell us all about the activities. They sit around the dinner table. Mom: So, what’s the plan for tomorrow? Are you going around the community and picking up garbage? Student: Nope, that’s Friday, along with an assembly and guest speaker. Tomorrow we are planting trees, bringing in litterless lunches and wearing green. Does anyone know wear my green overalls are? Dad: We’ll have a look for them; we’ll make sure that you are as ‘green’ as can be. Student: I’m so eager to plant trees; I’ve never done that before. This is my first Earth Day celebration†¦all my friends are so thrilled. The class that plants the most trees wins a prize, we’re going to win for sure! Mom: I bet you will, now help us clean up the dinner table and off to bed you go! Student: (pleadingly) Do I have to? Mom: Yes, dear. They clean up the table. Student: (She heads to her bed, already laid out in the middle of the stage) Good night! Parents (in unison): Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 3 Sweet dreams! Parents exit. Narrator: As she falls asleep, she thinks only of tomorrow’s festivities. Curtains Close Scene 2: Her Dream_______________________________________________ The purpose of this scene is to provide students with a background of the history of Earth Day, to make them aware of the environmental degradation occurring then and now, and finally, ways in which students can act to help make our Earth healthier. Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson (speaking to the history of Earth Day) will be in the middle of the stage, surrounded by the three groups (each representing a type of environmental degradation). Each group will be on stage at the same time as the governor. He will stand behind a podium discussing the creation/development/successes of Earth Day. As the governor speaks about each type of environmental degradation, the corresponding group will act out their part accordingly. Curtains Open Narrator: It’s 2005 and Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson is making a speech about Earth Day. Governor: (in 1970s attire) Good afternoon and thank you for attending today’s event. How many of you are aware of the history of Earth Day? Pause] Well, here’s a bit of history that you might be interested in. In 1963, I began to worry about our planet, it was becoming more and more degraded, pollution was evident and plants and other species were disappearing. I began to talk with lawmakers in the US and to the president at the time, President Kennedy, about going around the country and telling people about these environmental concerns. However, while he did go around the countr y speaking of these concerns, this did not get the attention of enough of the country and Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 4 environmental degradation continued. I worried that the affects would be detrimental to the health of our environment†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Pause†¦first group proceeds with their segment First Group: Air pollution group Without speaking, this group (wearing white and symbolizing air) will stand together in a group of 5 or more while 2 other students dressed in red will burst through the ‘wall’ of white representing holes in the ozone. The red will represent chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform (option: have students in red hold or paste a sign on themselves that reads: †CFCs†). Move to second group Second Group: Deforestation group Without speaking, this group of 5 (wearing green) will have their hands in the air, standing tall and swaying (resembling trees). After a few seconds most will eventually fall to the ground representing trees being cut down and the spoiling of natural wilderness. Move to third group Third Group: Water group Without speaking, this group of 5 (wearing blue) will all lay on the ground symbolizing a river, watershed. Pollution (those wearing brown) will come up from behind and will lie down beside them representing pollutants entering the water stream and remaining there for long periods of time. Back to the Governor’s speech Governor: In 1969, I was still very concerned so I came up with another idea. I decided to have one special day to teach everyone about all the things that had to change in our environment to make it healthier. That day was EARTH DAY. The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, with the help of Harvard University Student Denis Hayes and it was a major success. Since then, Earth Day celebrations have spread all over the country, and especially in Canada. Today, more than 6 million Canadians join 500 million people in over 180 countries in staging events and projects to address local environmental issues. Nearly every Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. school child in Canada takes part in an Earth Day activity. [pause] So, you want to know how to make every day Earth Day? Make a promise to the Earth to stop environmental degradation by: Spreading the message to your family and friends that idling their vehicles causes air pollution. Try taking public transportation! First group (Air pollution group) walks of the stage†¦. You can adopt a â€Å"zero waste† frame of mind at school, home, in your everyday-liv es. All you have to do is remember the 3 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle. Also, how about planting some trees? Second Group (Deforestation group) walks of the stage†¦ Also, let everyone know that dumping garbage, household cleaners, pesticides, or oil down a storm sewer drain is harmful to the watercourse. Paint a yellow fish on storm drains in your area to remind your community that what goes down the drains ends up in our water systems†¦ Third Group (Water) walks of the stage†¦ That’s not all you can do! I challenge you and your class to think of more ways to help our planet. It only takes a small group of people to make big changes in the world. I wish you all a wonderful Earth Day! Curtains Close Scene 3: Back in students room ____________________________________ Mum: Wake up, its time for school. How did you sleep? Student: I had a great sleep mom, I dreamt all about Earth Day. Thanks for getting my clothes ready, Dad! Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. 6 I have to run, I don’t want to be late for tree planting! All: Bye! Student exits off stage with her litterless lunch, dressed in green with a big smile on her face! THE END Copyright © Reproduction permitted only with written permission of Earth Day Canada. All Rights Reserved. How to cite Earth Day, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Arranged marriage for america Essay Example For Students

Arranged marriage: for america? Essay Arranged marriage: for america? Essay Both arranged marriages and romantic marriages have good and bad points. Cultures such as India, Japan, and Ethiopia have had arranged marriages since the dawn of time. In America we allow our young adults to make their own decisions on whom to marry. Would Americans accept the practice of parents deciding whom they are going to marry without considering their wants or feelings? The answer is an emphatic NO! Americans are hopelessly romantic and fiercely believe in freedom of choice. Arranged marriages would never be accepted in American culture. Most of the time, if not all, the decisions we make concerning marriage are based on the concept of romantic love. Most young people tend to believe the only way to choose a mate is to date until you fall madly in love, plan a wedding, and get married. We follow our hearts even if it is impractical and doesnt really make any sense. We do not feel that we need the wisdom and experience of anyone, let alone our parents, to make such an important decision. Love is more important and powerful than practical issues. However, by relying on our hearts, and not the wisdom and experience of others, we risk what could be the disastrous consequences of making an emotional decision instead of a rational one. Go back a few years (for some of us, many years) and think about how much stress we felt trying to make ourselves attractive to the opposite sex. We spent most of our days worrying about our looks and what we could do to change them to get the look. Were our clothes chic enough to be cool? Dating was awkward and time consuming. Think of all the time wasted concerning ourselves with the rules and necessities required to maintain a relationship the effort involved in looking for the right someone to spend the rest of our lives with. Think of all the time that was wasted if they were the wrong person the anguish endured while married to the wrong person. All that time, effort, and emotional stress could certainly have been put to better use by studying and preparing for the responsibilities of life. Our mating rituals seem flawed and risky compared to those cultures that practice arranged marriages. For most young Americans, relationships are a part of everyday life. However, for the majority of Indians, they are only an afterthought. More attention is given to studies than the opposite sex. The practice of arranging marriages has both practical and cultural rationales. Marriages are meant to carry on a familys status and secure the familys financial future. Many Indians are not concerned that love is absent at the onset of marriage. They feel it will happen along the way. Love is not a major factor. Stability is the concern. Education and careers come first so there is not a lot of time for the opposite sex. Trust is put in the wisdom of parents who rely on their life experiences to ensure that a partner is socially and economically suitable for the family. American marriages are based on the dream of meeting someone and falling head over heels in love. Americans rely on emotional senses and physical attraction to ensure that they have found the one. We crave the excitement of this ritual. We let our hearts and other body parts over-ride our common sense. Many times our education suffers, or is completely set aside, to facilitate a relationship. We overlook flaws and things that we dont like. .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .postImageUrl , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:visited , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:active { border:0!important; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:active , .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133 .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud0a1ac3f23949b2bf90be7b456930133:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Odysseus (1054 words) Essay More often than not, these flaws surface down the road and the relationship suffers or fails completely. We often dislike any interference or help from our parents in choosing our mate. Why dont we rely on their experience to make our decision? Why should we? The divorce rate in our country is approximately fifty percent. Obviously, most of our parents did not have the ability to choose the right mate. Why should we trust their judgment? We shouldnt. I believe we do have some arranged marriages in this country. Let me explain. Dont some of us put a lot of emphasis on what our parents will think of .