Monday, March 16, 2020

Survival at Auschwitz essays

Survival at Auschwitz essays Survival in Auschwitz Imagine now a man who is deprived of everyone he loves, and at the same time of his house, his habits, his clothes, in short, of everything he possesses: he will be a hollow man, reduced to suffering and needs, forgetful of dignity and restraint, for he who loses all often easily loses himself. This short quote is taken from Primo Levis Survival in Auschwitz. It depicts a true story of Primo Levi during the Holocaust, who was relocated to an extermination camp after beginning a great life after college. Primo was captured with a resistant group from Italy. He used his college education and degree in chemistry to stay alive. The above quote brings a similar quote to mind. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and yet loses his own soul. That quote is taken from the front wall of St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Olivia, Minnesota. It gives an idea about our savior Jesus Christs life. He spent his whole life teaching the word of God and humanity to a ll people of any race or religion. These two, Primo Levi and Jesus Christ, lived similar lives. Primo lived growing up as a Jewish citizen during the bad economic times of Europe. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party blamed this economic tragedy on the Jewish society. Primo tried to fight against this, but like most Jews was found guilty and taken to conservation camps. Here he was giving the chance of what he learned in life to stay alive and to see himself leave the hellish camp. During his time in Auschwitz he was deprived of everything from his clothes to even his name. After the liberation of Auschwitz, Primo again had nothing. Necessities and goods were furnished throughout his life and now Primo had to start all over. He had nothing except for life, something most people who walked through the front gates of Auschwitz lost. Jesus Christ lived a similar life many, many years before. ...

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