Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Dangers Of Teenage Smoking Awareness - 987 Words

Teenage smoking awareness Old retired Grandpa lives with his family and takes care of all the family members as being the oldest member. He is a guidance to all his children. He had work for their local council before retirement for more then a decade. In the family he is the one that is very well aware Laws He is involved in making decision for the family. It had been about three years since his grandson had entered high school and he would casually ask for his grandson’s progress at school and makes sure that he enjoying his studies. After some time, he gets to know that his teenage grandson is smoking cigarettes on a regular basis. He decided to have a chat with his grandson in explaining why he shouldn’t get into the habit of smoking a cigarette. The grandpa straight goes to the point about why his grandson shouldn’t get in to the habit of smoking and he states that, â€Å"In a society it is not unordinary to see a teen year old child smoking a cigarette in public.† Grandpa describes how in big sports events in the major cities mostly around the world there are big cigarette companies sponsoring the sports event. Teenage students are the main participants of these sports events and here grandpa states his view on how he disagrees with the fact that big cigarette companies are sponsoring these events as it could have a negative affect on the teenage participants. He continues on by adding that smoking is also considered of being a serial killer for any addictive person whoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Condoms and the Illusion of Safe Sex1475 Words   |  6 Pagestakes the time to notice. Early in the twentieth century, smoking cigarettes became popular in America (â€Å"The #1 Preventable† 1). 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